Choosing the Right Time For a Mommy Makeover
Submitted by Dr. Joyesh Raj on Thu 12/19/2024 - 09:00

A mommy makeover is an exciting step toward reclaiming your confidence and pre-baby body, but deciding the right time for your procedure can be a bit confusing. What if you’re still breastfeeding or planning more kids? How long should you wait after giving birth? If you’re wondering about these things, you’re not alone.
At Raj Plastic Surgery, our Cleveland area patients often ask those same questions in our Westlake, OH, office. Board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Joyesh Raj is known for his empathetic listening and exceptional surgical skills.
His patient-centered approach means you’ll get the procedures you want in the time frame that makes the most sense for you.
This blog explains some things we consider when helping you plan a mommy makeover.
Mommy Makeover Timing
Timing your mommy makeover around key life events can help you get the best results.
After Childbirth
Experts recommend waiting 6-12 months after giving birth to schedule a mommy makeover. Your body needs plenty of time to heal and will continue changing rapidly.
Waiting long enough after giving birth also gives you time to see what your body will look like long term. It’s only natural to feel frustrated with how slowly your body is returning to normal in the early weeks and months after childbirth. But remember, pregnancy is nine months, so allowing your body at least that long to work toward its natural state makes sense.
Once you have time to evaluate what you like (and don’t like) about your post-baby body, it’s a good time to think about scheduling your procedure.
After Your Last Child
If you plan to have more children, waiting until your family is complete is best. Pregnancy after a mommy makeover can affect your results, particularly with abdominal and breast procedures, because both areas grow significantly during pregnancy.
If you’re unsure whether you’re done having kids, Dr. Raj might recommend waiting until you’re certain.
After Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a unique journey for each woman and baby. Some women breastfeed for just a short time, and others practice extended breastfeeding for years. Regardless of which category you fall into, it’s important to recognize that breastfeeding has a major effect on breast shape and size.
Generally, you should wait at least six months after breastfeeding. This allows your breasts to stabilize in shape and size before surgery.
When You Reach a Stable Weight
Having a stable weight before surgery ensures more predictable and lasting results. In general, it’s best to wait until you’re at a stable weight for at least six months before scheduling a mommy makeover.
Recovery Time
A mommy makeover requires a week or two of downtime. During recovery, you won’t be able to lift anything heavy or engage in strenuous activities.
Plan your surgery when you can prioritize healing without major interruptions from work or family.
Mommy Makeover Consultations in Cleveland
When you’re ready to explore a mommy makeover, Dr. Joyesh Raj in Westlake, OH, is here. Call 440-808-8030 to schedule your consultation today.