More Baby Boomers Seeking Cosmetic Treatment
Submitted by Dr. Joyesh Raj on Sat 11/23/2019 - 09:00

According to data from the country’s foremost plastic surgeons, a rising number of baby boomers are seeking plastic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic treatments to look like the best version of themselves. Statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reveal that adults aged 55 or older underwent approximately 50,000 more cosmetic procedures in 2018 than in 2017.
In this post, the team at Dr. Joyesh Raj’s practice discusses why more baby boomers are visiting plastic surgeons, and reveals the procedures baby boomers are commonly requesting.
Why Are More Baby Boomers Requesting Plastic Surgery?
Firstly, adults are taking better care of themselves nowadays. Many baby boomers exercise regularly, eat healthfully and prioritize their wellness. And they want their appearance to match the energy and vibrancy they feel on the inside. These patients do not necessarily want to look like they are 25 again — rather, they wish to put their best face forward.
Another reason why plastic surgery is becoming more popular in the baby boomer generation is because a lot of people are re-entering the dating scene after divorce or the death of a spouse. With today’s dating apps, first impressions are important. Cosmetic treatments can help a person feel comfortable and confident in their own skin.
Finally, advances in cosmetic medicine mean safer treatment and more options than ever. Dr. Raj is able to offer his patients a wide range of surgical and non-surgical options to help them achieve their cosmetic goals.
What Are Baby Boomers Requesting?
Statistics show that baby boomers are highly interested in changing imperfections caused by the aging process.
Laser treatments to lighten brown spots are popular. So are injections of Botox or dermal fillers to get rid of visible lines and wrinkles.
On the surgical front, procedures to lift and tighten sagging skin and tissues are frequently requested. A cheek and neck lift, which lifts and tightens the facial tissues, repositions fallen fat and removes excess skin, is in high demand at Dr. Raj’s practice.
Finally, treatments for an aged or sagging neck are extremely common in baby boomers. Experts speculate that the popularity of selfies and video chatting apps makes baby boomers more aware of wrinkles, sagging and laxity of the neck skin.
Contact Dr. Joyesh Raj Today
If you are interested in turning back the clock or putting your best face forward, Dr. Raj invites you to schedule a consultation at our practice today. Contact us to request an appointment.