What Cosmetic Issues Can Neck Lift Fix?
Submitted by Dr. Joyesh Raj on Tue 03/19/2024 - 21:27

Have you noticed that your neck has changed significantly as you’ve gotten older? Like your face, your neck is also susceptible to signs of aging, which can appear prematurely due to factors such as sun damage, weight loss, or genetics. If you miss the smooth, sleek neck you had in your younger years, you may be interested in cosmetic surgery to improve its appearance.
At Raj Plastic Surgery in Westlake & Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Joyesh Raj frequently performs neck lift (platysmaplasty) to reverse common signs of aging. Below, he shares some of the most helpful aesthetic improvements that he can achieve with this surgery:
“Turkey” Neck
Your body’s production of collagen decreases as you age, which gradually allows your skin to become laxer and sag. On the neck, your skin can appear extra droopy as the muscles supporting your skin simultaneously lose some strength. The result is a “wattle,” or dangling neck skin that is sometimes reminiscent to a turkey wattle. Neck lift allows Dr. Raj to remove some of the loose skin to achieve tight, sleek contours.
Neck Bands
Platysmal muscles are the vertical neck muscles that become more prominent with age due to muscle weakening and thinning skin. Visible bands are usually undesirable since they make you appear older. The best way to minimize banding is to tighten the muscles and redrape the skin for smoother contours.
Jowls are the loose skin and fat that congregate at the bottom of the face. In your younger years, you probably enjoyed a sharp jawline, but aging rounds out the face and minimizes a distinction between your chin and neck. With neck lift, Dr. Raj can restore definition to your chin, jawline, and neck.
Lines and Wrinkles
Static wrinkles aren’t just common on the lower face — they can also appear on your neck as your skin becomes laxer. By re-draping the skin around the neck, Dr. Raj can diminish these unwanted lines and indentations for a smooth, rejuvenated texture.
Schedule a Consultation
You may not be able to stop the aging process, but you can turn back some of the signs of time with neck lift. Neck lift is a core component of most facelift procedures that Dr. Raj performs. To meet with this board-certified plastic surgeon and find a surgical (or non-surgical) solution that fulfills your cosmetic goals, please schedule a consultation. Call 440.808.8030 today or request an appointment online.